TTCS 9:2023

Biodegradable Materials-Food-Contact Single-Use Products for Composting in Municipal or Industrial Facilities- Compulsory Requirements

Subject Area Consumer Products
Year of Declaration 2023
Status Compulsory
ICS Number TBD
Stage Current
Number of Pages 9
Price FREE

Scope of this Standard

This standard applies to imported and locally manufactured biodegradable food-contact, single-use products, designed to be compostable in municipal or industrial composting facilities. It outlines the compulsory requirements for the aforementioned products as well as the mechanisms to demonstrate compliance to these requirements and also includes measures to be taken in the event of non-compliance. This standard does not apply to secondary packaging which does not come into contact with food (for example, outer wrappers or cartons. It also does not apply to packing material used as stuffing to prevent damage to products during transportation and storage.

Legal Notice of Declaration:

Compulsory Standards Order Legal Notice:

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